These Tags pretty much simplify tasks on your NFC Enabled Smart Phone. It's pretty cool to just simply and easily Program these Tags to change pretty much any setting you have on your phone(Toggling Alarm Clocks, Changing Profiles Settings, Toggling Wifi, Toggling your Bluetooth, and even send Emails and Texts, among many others). It's straight forward and pretty Cool.
As soon as you Program these Tags, you Simply Tap your NFC Enabled Smart Phone, and Voila, you're good to go. You can Program a Tag as many times as you want, or you can choose to Lock it.
You also get a free Key Chain included in your order!
Cheap, feels well made, holds 2 sets of instructions with my Samsung Galaxy s3. With a nfc reading app you can set these to do anything. I have one in my car to set my audio settings for music or when listening to an ebook. One at my door to my house to connect my phone to wifi when I come in. One at my bedside to set the volume when I go to sleep and reset when I wake up, and another outside my door to send a text to my wife if I have not left the house by a certain time for work to check on me and make sure I haven't fallen to sleep on the couch. :-)
Works great with my S3.......
Didn't know if I'd have a use for these when I got them. Then I played around with them coupled with my Android phone and now they're part of my every day routine. I have one at home that sets my phone for how I use it around the house, one a work (same kind of thing) and I used the key chain fob for setting up my phone for listening through Bluetooth in my car.
Rewriteable, sturdy, and do just what they should.It's good.