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Radio Frequency Identification is a technology that is here to stay for a longer period of time. Many of the world's leading companies are making huge investments for the advancement and growth of this technology. 

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Radio Frequency Identification Device or RFID is a small electronic device that is made of a small chip and an antenna.  It can carry almost 2000 bytes of data or less than that. It exactly serves the same purpose as a Barcode or magnetic strip.

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Near Field Communication, commonly known as NFC is a technology that is shaping a new path for the mobile industry. This technology has been around for a while in different forms.

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T-union Industrial Corporation Group, symbolized Things of Union, Technology of Union and Times of Union, devoting itself to global advanced RFID products and system solutions supplier.

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Since the first patents covering Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) were made, there has been an unprecedented increase with thousands of tags used in animal identification and tracking.

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Humans have been using brands to recognize livestock animals for hundreds of years. In prehistoric times it was more of a ritualistic act. During the middle Ages in Europe, hot branding was used to identify the owner of livestock.

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The Internet of Things is the next big thing! It revolves around machine-to-machine communication and is based on cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors. The mobile, virtual, and instant connection is going to make everything smarter and faster.

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The emergence of affordable 3D printers can be combined with RFID technology in a number of new and exciting ways. The convergence between these two technologies has already been used to improve businesses, customer experiences, and even your daily commute.

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1.The Benefits Of Tracking Assets With RFID

2.The Benefits Of Locating Assets With RFID

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The New York Times published an article on July 25 titled "Retailers' Idea: Think Smaller in Urban Push. " The story reports that retailers are moving into cities across the United States in an effort to attract younger buyers, but are abandoning formats that worked in the suburbs for smaller stores. 

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Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN), a consumer privacy group founded by Katherine Albrecht, has been quiet for the past few years.

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As part of my ongoing efforts to highlight positive news coverage of radio frequency identification in the mainstream media, I would like to alert you to a piece recently run by ABC News.

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