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The Internet of Things offers numerous applications and benefits for animals and their surroundings.

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At its new headquarters, the Brazilian firm presents radio frequency identification and Internet of Things systems for companies of any size.

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A number of factors, including greater efficiency in the repositioning of goods for sale, led the company to sell 56 percent more apparel this year on Black Friday than in 2016.

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A doctoral thesis at the University of Grenoble Alpes identifies three methods of printing electronics for Near Field Communication tags directly onto paper; the system is now being offered by French paper company PowerCoat.

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Australia's MS Queensland Youngcare is using an RFID system from N.A.S.A. Electronic Security Systems to enable its young wheelchair-bound residents to enter and leave their units and public areas, hands-free.

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After a year of operation, Sapati has achieved a 100 percent increase in its sales, thanks to the use of radio frequency identification and other technologies to improve the customer experience.

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The NFC Forum's 2017 Technical Specification offers new specs and modifications to existing ones intended to ensure legacy and future Near Field Communication technologies can interoperate as the number of NFC applications swells.

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The United Kingdom's NHS Trust is launching a UHF RFID system from Ingenica Solutions to track implants received, stored and then placed inside patients, to reduce manual efforts for tracking the high-value devices, while also increasing patient safety.

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Nobilium's solution, from Syrma Technology, provides an automatic-identification method for nursing homes and hospitals in the form of a passive HF or NFC tag built into the dentures, to link a patient's ID with the false teeth as they are cleaned or maintained.

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PervasID's Ranger Series includes specialized readers for dock doors, overhead wide-area reading, point of sale and security, along with software to manage read data.

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RFID (radio frequency identification) is not a new thing, and it has been widely used for many years, such as a lot of American retail stores, including Messi ZARA, Decathlon sports, in the use of this technology. Its working principle is very simple, that is, each product has a radio frequency ID label, and the label has its own unique magnetic signature. The signature is extracted by the receiver or RFID reader, not only unique, but also can display the location of the tagged product.

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Zebra Technologies has released its "2017 Global Shopper Study," which measures how well retailers are keeping up with shopper expectations at physical stores and online, with an eye toward improving those numbers with RFID and IoT technologies.

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