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RFID Journal

What’s the next big thing in IoT? 14 experts share their predictions
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Mar 20, 2018
In recent years, the internet of things has evolved far beyond Bluetooth-synced personal devices and smart home platforms. Businesses and consumers alike eagerly anticipate the continued advancement of this technology.With wider IoT adoption than ever before, companies are constantly developing new devices for our increasingly connected environment.
In 2018, You Should Be Looking AT 5 IoT Trends
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Mar 19, 2018
Internet of Things was probably one of the obscure technologies at some point, when people were apprehensive about it, as they didn't know much about it. But that time has long gone. IoT has now become the technology of the masses. Everyone is ready to adopt IoT solutions, to employ the best IoT developers, and own IoT devices.
RFID Companies Need to Focus on Getting the Technology Across the Chasm
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Mar 16, 2018
For company, one of the most common is to shift tactics frequently in an effort to hit on something that will propel sales forward. Unfortunately, this often has the opposite effect, and sometimes leads to firms with good technology and products going out of business.
IoT Security from the Ground Up
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Mar 15, 2018
The Internet of Things continues to blur the lines between our physical and digital worlds, in which everything is connected and has the potential to transmit sensitive data.
Unmanned logistics is imperative, and the logistics AI era is really coming?
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Mar 12, 2018
Sports, Technology and the Future of Management
in RFID Journal on Feb 09, 2018
Managers of sports teams are being fired for not embracing data analytics. Are business managers next?
How to Write an NFC Tag
in RFID Journal on Feb 01, 2018
NXP TagWriter is a general NFC reader/writer application that is highly recommended and available on Google Play App store. It only has a few main features such as reading, writing, erasing, and protecting tags which makes it easy-to-use and understand even for first-time NFC users. An interesting feature on this app is the amount of options it gives you when writing a tag.
The 3 Phases of Building an RFID Mass Reading Application
in RFID Journal on Jan 31, 2018
Because UHF RFID has progressed so much since its inception, readers are able to read, on average, about 700 tags per second and interpret the data. This faster, highly efficient RFID tag read rate makes it possible for mass reading applications to emerge in several industries, most prominently in supply chain management.
RFID Antennas: Beamwidth & Directivity
in RFID Journal on Jan 30, 2018
Even though RFID antennas are not the brains of an RFID system, they are still complex devices that can hinder or benefit an RFID system depending on the application and chosen antenna. For instance, choosing the wrong antenna for a certain application could result in inches of read range instead of feet. Besides the basic guidelines for choosing an antenna like gain and polarization, other factors exist that could take a system’s read range and results to the next level. Beamwidth and directionality are two core principles to grasp in order to make a more informed purchasing decision.
How could machine learning algorithms be applied to IoT smart data?
in RFID Journal on Jan 29, 2018
The purpose of Internet of Things, (IoT) is to develop a smarter environment, and a simplified life-style by saving time, energy, and money. Through this technology, the expenses in different industries can be reduced.
IBM Launches A Block Chain Truck Tracking Solution
in RFID Journal on Jan 22, 2018
IBM launches a block chain truck tracking solution, and the Internet of things + block chain is transparent for the transport of goods.
To Choose RFID Would Be Right
in RFID Journal on Jan 16, 2018
The current system might still be excellent but the circumstances are constantly changing, so the requirements for the system are changing too. The increasing need for more efficient performance requires a renewable system as the existing one is designed for serving current processes. We cannot therefore say that there would be something wrong with the current system - only the requirements for the system have changed. Therefore it is advisable to search for another business intelligence option, such as RFID. But, please bear in mind that if your boss has personally selected the current system, stick in pure numbers and figures instead of pointing at the problems.