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RFID Journal

What is the advantage of RFID technology over barcode?
in RFID Journal, RFID News on May 13, 2019
Today, with the development of society, RFID technology has replaced the position of barcode technology in many fields. What is the advantage of RFID technology compared with barcode technology?
Why does your industry use RFID tagging technology?
in RFID Journal, RFID News on May 10, 2019
RFID has attracted much attention because of its remote reading, high storage and other characteristics. It can not only help enterprises greatly improve the efficiency of commodity and information management, but also connect sales enterprises and manufacturing enterprises, so as to receive feedback information more accurately, control demand information and optimize the entire supply chain.
RFID Technology Makes Financial Transportation Safer and Effective
in RFID Journal, RFID News on May 08, 2019
The banking and financial industry realizes intelligent escort supervision, safe handover supervision, personnel identification, automatic monitoring and alarm, so as to ensure the correct handover, the safety of bank checkboxes in and out of storage and in the process of transportation.
China Airlines uses RFID baggage tracking technology
in RFID Journal, RFID News on May 06, 2019
RFID products such as RFID electronic tags and RFID handheld readers are gradually changing the world. RFID technology is gradually being improved. China Eastern Airlines Global Baggage Center is using RFID technology for baggage consignment services, full logistics tracking, sorting, loading, unloading and so on. .
The Role of RFID in Intelligent Manufacturing Industry
in RFID Journal, RFID News on May 02, 2019
In order to reduce manpower, reduce costs, flexibly respond to market changes, and better meet customer needs, the application of RFID technology is the most important technology to solve the problem of intelligent manufacturing industry.
RFID tags make new retail more dynamic
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 29, 2019
With the rapid development and innovation of "new retail", the application of RFID tags is more and more extensive. As an important part of unmanned technology, RFID tags are also a trend in the future. Among them, RFID tag is an indispensable technology for new retail.
Advantages and Applications of UHF RFID Tags
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 26, 2019
As we all know, RFID tags are mainly divided into high frequency RFID tags, low frequency RFID tags and ultra-high frequency RFID tags according to frequency classification. Today we mainly understand the advantages and applications of ultra-high frequency RFID tags.
How to choose RFID tags correctly in different environments?
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 22, 2019
There are many kinds of tags in RFID. Each tag has different performance, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In different work needs and environments, RFID tags need different special designs. This article will explain how to choose the right RFID tag in different environments.
RFID tags become new weapons? The Way to Resurrection of Uniqlo
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 19, 2019
RFID technology is becoming more and more important in life. In this era, the use of RFID tags will be more and more.That's the way Uniqlo is going to rebuild.
How does the RFID tag input data?
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 16, 2019
RFID tag, also known as radio frequency tags, realize spatial (contactless) coupling of radio frequency signals through coupling elements between electronic tags and readers, and realize energy transmission and data exchange according to the timing relationship in the coupling channels. So how does the RFID tag input data?
What is an RFID tag? What role does it play?
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 15, 2019
What's an RFID tag? I believe many people don't know much about it. In fact, RFID tags are widely used in daily life. For example, we use bus cards, company security gates, logistics sorting management, in no-one supermarkets, hospital patients'paper wristbands, bank cards and so on. They are all RFID tags working for us. Now Xinyetong will give you a detailed interpretation of what is the RFID tag, what role does the RFID tag play.
Advantages of Handheld RFID Tag Reader
in RFID Journal, RFID News on Apr 12, 2019
Handheld RFID reader can be used in shopping malls, supermarkets, pharmacies, bookstores, fixed assets inventory. The use of Handheld RFID reader for inventory can not only quickly complete the inventory work, but also effectively avoid human errors, and the data is more accurate.